Aaargh, nothing worse than being in limbo

What a pain it is to switch hosts! Our new host has a lot of features at a great price (; however it’s no fun realizing that our current website will most likely be down for a period of time.  When switching I didn’t realize that for some things to be installed and tested you have to have the domain already switched over. Thus there will be a period where our store website may be unreachable during the transition. Please bear with us.

The other thing I’m annoyed about losing is the catchall email addresses that we had. We had some email forwards set up to catch all the emails we set up such as UnitedAir@, FedEx@.  Most places no longer allow a blanket email forward, thus we will have to set up each one of these explicitly. This is all part of an attempt to cut down on spam – DAM YOU spammers!

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