Ideas to change the world

Many thanks to all of you who attended our screenings of the new Michael Moore film Capitalism: A Love Story! Due to popular demand we ended up having three screenings. The first was screening was Saturday night at 7:30. After the screening we has some discussions about why people where there, the problems that they are concerned about, and what people plan to do.

During the second screening – 6:PM Sunday, it was very exciting as Michael Moore himself called in to talk to the assembled group. I rambled to him about my ideas outlined below (which he liked, and agreed to help publicize!), and he took a couple of questions from the group. Many thanks to Michael for the good fight!

One group that we mentioned as being a great group, that is attempting to bridge the divide in this country, is the Trans Partisan Alliance.  We also mentioned the group Move to Amend, which is working to amend the Constitution to overturn the recent Supreme Court decision around corporate free speech.

Now on to Number Six’s ideas for change:

This first one will require LOTS of people to participate, and all of those who participate will need to be serious about participating, as if the ranks break, it will hurt everyone involved.

Don’t pay credit card debt

On a given date (I’m thinking election day Nov 2), everyone participating informs the credit card companies that they owe money to that they will no longer be making payments until certain demands are met. Among those demands would be the requirement that there be no penalties or interest increases imposed on participants. This will need MASS participation,  I figure at least one million people to start with, and hopefully another 5 million plus, who will agree to participate once they see others doing it.  Some demands I could envision might include a public option for health insurance, freeing all prisoners convicted of only marijuana offenses. The list goes on. Imagine the CEO of Bank of America calling congress to demand action on things that normal people want!

Support  Not A Number, Inc for office

As we’ve stated before,  Not A Number, Inc. is going to run for office, most likely Seattle City Council. Support our us in showing how ridiculous it is to allow corporations to run for office.

Help us work out corporate rankings

We all know that corporations have reduced us to numbers, one of those being our credit score. It has an impact on each of us, yet do any of us know how it is derived? I say it is time to turn that on the corporations. What if there was an number given to corporations that indicated their “social responsiblity” status? Do we tell the corporations how this number is derived? No! That information is proprietary, but might include things like how much more the CEO is paid than a line worker, and how much the corporation gives to local charities.

One Response to “Ideas to change the world”

  1. Green Janine Says:

    Hey, I’ll vote for Not a Number! Corporations have the same rights as individuals so Not a Number should be on the City Council. GREAT idea!!

    I also like the idea to not pay our credit card charges until our demands are met. That should be an issue on the NaN platform!

    NaN does more for the community than most politicians!